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Orona Next Smart+ Lift

From English Smart+, more elegant, more intelligent. Additional ability, skill and experience.

Features that stand up to the toughest demands

+ fast, + strong, + high

Orona Next Smart+ solves the mobility challenges of people in the most demanding public buildings: hospitals, airports, underground stations and shopping centres.

Reliability and robustness in journeys guaranteeing the safety of all users.

8 to 33
No. of passengers
Maximum stops
1 - 1,6 m/s
Available accesses

European technology

Lifts designed and assembled completely in Europe.

Sello "Made in Europe"

Create a unique travel experience

Orona's green

All our energy at the service of sustainability

The greenest energy is the one that is not consumed

Since the Essentia lift obtained the Eco-design certificate, we have reduced electricity consumption by 75%, and we currently parameterise the design of our lifts according to criteria that allow circular economy, with alternatives such as:

  • Energy regeneration system.
  • Low consumption gearless drive.
  • Efficient LED lighting and automatic cabin lighting switch-off.
  • Lift standby.
Easy flow Orona lift solution

Rushing out. Orona. Arrive on time

The mobility of people within buildings is constantly evolving. That's why it is necessary to come up with new solutions; systems that optimise multiple lift rides, for example.

  • Easy Flow. A smart solution for high traffic installations, with multiple lifts, optimising building traffic and reducing energy consumption.

Niñas en el ascensor

Designed to
take care of you

We take care of your lift, we take care of you

Your health, and that of your loved ones, is important to us. That's why, at Orona, we have developed a series of solutions that contribute to your well-being:

  • Intelligent cabin walls.
  • Antimicrobial handrails.
  • Air Purifier.
Señor en la fábrica

Innovation with meaning

At the service of people

We innovate in a practical, relevant way, serving your needs by streamlining every journey, guaranteeing safety with maximum comfort.

  • Intelligent manoeuvring based on power electronics optimises the flow of people in the building.
  • The gearless machine allows for a smooth and vibration-free travel experience.
  • Optional 230V single-phase power supply.


Create your own

Configure a unique and customised cabin interior by combining the portfolio of components from different collections inspired by three ambiances:

A quiet, pleasant, relaxing environment made up of elements inspired by nature.

Discover Harmonia

An innovative and creative environment.

Discover Innova

An environment based on classical architectural concepts making them current.

Discover Rinaccia

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